Geologists work to figure out the size and location of potential natural gas plays. Here at Cabot, there are many geologists who work to analyze the shale plays across the states. They analyze large amounts of data that is collected through fieldwork to find potential areas for development. Some of the factors considered are the composition of minerals in the area, samples from other gas wells, and the soil from the area. After it has been decided that it is likely that an area has a large amount of natural gas stored, exploration into the grounds begins.
Cassie Culpepper
Cassie Culpepper is a Geological and Geophysical Technician here at Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation. Geological technicians analyze and test samples of materials from test sites such as rocks, petroleum, and soil. This research gives us more information on areas where we might consider exploring for future developments. Geophysical technicians use physics to study the composition and structure of things underneath the earth’s surface. Today we are talking to her to find out more about life as part of the Geological team.

What is your official title?
Geologic/Geophysical Technician (Geo-Tech)
How many years have you worked at Cabot?
3 1/2 years
What is your educational background?
What are some of your responsibilities?
Assist geologists with map/well  development, maintain completions data for drilled wells in the geology database, manage seismic datasets and assist staff with the use of these data, and assemble geologic data and figures for corporate marketing and outreach
Can you give me a brief overview of what the Cabot Geology department does and is responsible for?
Create, plan and execute the drill program as well as explore other potential areas for oil and gas
If you had to explain your job to someone who doesn’t work in the industry, what would you say?
Make sure the geologists have what they need to do their jobs
What is one thing you would like people to know about your job?
There is always something new to learn and do and I have acquired valuable new skills that are applicable to many other endeavors.
What is one thing you would like people to know about this industry?
It’s not the evil earth destroyer people and the media make it out to be
Lastly, what is your favorite part about your job?
The opportunities I have to learn and work beyond my normal duties; I’m not limited to the same, repetitive tasks day in and day out