Trout Unlimited takes a tour of Cabot operations

Northeast Pennsylvania is blessed with picturesque landscapes, rolling hills, bountiful farm land, and pristine waterways. It is also blessed with an enormous energy reserve. That is why Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation takes great pride in being an industry leader when it comes to developing Marcellus Shale natural gas and…


Cabot Purchases Two Pigs at Susquehanna County 4-H Livestock Auction

In my capacity at Cabot I represent the interests of the company in many diverse venues, but nothing quite compares to the annual Susquehanna 4-H Livestock Sale held during the Harford Fair. It is the most unique of experiences and one I recommend everyone should visit. For those unfamiliar with…

The Oil & Gas Industry Promotes Education, Workforce Development

Much of the talk surrounding the pro-Severance Tax argument has been based upon education funding in the Commonwealth, or rather, lack there-of, according to Governor Wolf supporters. But, what many of the supporters do not realize is that the oil and gas industry, including Cabot, promotes education, education funding and workforce…