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103rd PA Farm Show & Auction Recap

The Pennsylvania Farm Show, the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the nation, celebrated its 103rd year. The annual Farm Show boasts over 6,000 animals, hundreds of vendors, contests and demonstrations, and over 12,000 competitive exhibits. If you’ve never been to the show, we highly recommend checking it out next year –…


API Report Shows Natural Gas Industry’s Commitment to Safety

The following is a repost of a press release from the American Petroleum Institute (API) from January, 16, 2019: Employees of the natural gas and oil industry experience injuries and illnesses at a rate substantially below the U.S. private sector due to industry practices and commitment to safety WASHINGTON, January…

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Schools Save Money by Switching to Natural Gas

Written by Rick Hiduk (also published on Endless Mountains Lifestyles and in the Rocket-Courier) Though the Montrose and Elk Lake School districts in Susquehanna County took different approaches to their respective conversions to the use of natural gas, both districts realized substantial savings in just two years. Now four years into…