Last week, Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Davin today announced a substantial grant of $446,000 to expand a water line in Susquehanna County which will help spur the growth of Diaz Manufacturing and add 20 jobs to the area. The expansion of the water and natural gas infrastructure are key to growing jobs and promoting manufacturing in the area.
With the ongoing expansion of infrastructure – including natural gas –  in the county, this is a good sign of things to come for businesses and residents.
And just yesterday WNEP covered the exciting news of an expansion and did a great job of talking about how this infrastructure improvement will have a ripple effect throughout the community.
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Here’s the full release from the DCED:

Wolf Administration Announces Grant to Support New Manufacturing Facility, New Jobs in Susquehanna County

HARRISBURG, Pa., March 3, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Davin today announced the approval of a $446,000 grant through the Pennsylvania First program to the Central Bradford Progress Authority for a waterline extension project that will support a business expansion creating 20 new, full-time jobs in Bridgewater Township, Susquehanna County.
“Infrastructure enhancement is essential to the health of the economy of Pennsylvania,” Davin said. “Business development does not occur without the assurance of a strong infrastructure to support its growth. This project is an excellent example of a public-private initiative that will have a positive impact on an entire region.”
The Central Bradford Progress Authority has received approval for a $446,000 Pennsylvania First grant on behalf of Diaz Manufacturing, LLC for the construction of an 8,500-foot waterline extension along the Route 29 Enterprise Zone corridor to Ellsworth Drive in Bridgewater Township. Diaz Manufacturing will build a 25,000-square-foot expansion to its existing manufacturing facility and construct a nearby 50,000-square-foot building for warehousing. Diaz Manufacturing has committed to investing $7.5 million in their expansion project and the creation of 20 new, full-time jobs and the retention of 80 existing positions over the next three years.
“The use of $446,000 of PA First Funds has leveraged nearly $12,000,000 of new investment, partnering the county, state, local governments, and utilities as well as impacting 150 jobs with true value-added manufacturing of Pennsylvania hardwoods,” Alan Hall,Susquehanna County Commissioner said. “This project has included cooperation of both public and private entities, not to mention other existing and future benefactors of the Route 29 development corridor.”
The project will also include a public waterline extension to help secure adequate volume for fire protection for the area, as well as provide adequate well service for the Susquehanna County Recycling Center and the Susquehanna County Correctional Facility.
Pennsylvania First is a comprehensive program that facilitates job creation and retention, infrastructure projects, and workforce development, and allows the commonwealth to compete more effectively with neighboring and competitor states. Funds can be applied for machinery/equipment; job training; infrastructure; land and building improvements; environmental assessment/remediation; acquisition of land, buildings, right-of-ways; working capital; and site preparation, demolition, and clearance.
For more information about the Pennsylvania First program, or DCED visit
Dan Carrigan, 717-783-1132
SOURCE Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development