With so much information out there, it’s nice to know that there are sites like Oil & Gas IQ, which compile relevant industry-information into one place.  Thanks to @OilandGasIQ, you can stay up-to-date with the latest content without leaving Twitter.  I spoke with Sumit Dutta, of the London, Dubai and Singapore-based hub-of-information known as Oil & Gas IQ.  In Sumit’s own words:

OilandGasIQ.com is an online portal which connects the global oil and gas community and provides free articles, videos, podcasts, reports and webinars examining important issues and challenges in the industry. We also offer content from our network of oil and gas events such as speaker presentations.

Are you the only person that tweets?  How did you decide to start tweeting?
Yes — I run the twitter account. We introduced the twitter feed to support the OilandGasIQ.com site which was being launched at the time.
How long have you been tweeting?
Personally, I have been tweeting since 2009 at @SumitKD which focuses on marketing and media.  We started the OilandGasIQ.com twitter feed in 2010.
Why is it important to have a wealth of Oil & Gas information readily-available? 
As the industry is so fast moving it’s essential to keep up-to-date with the latest developments. Learning from others is a great way to find new solutions and ideas. The more informed an organization is, the better equipped it is to face challenges and identify opportunities.


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What role does Twitter have for @OilandGasIQ? / What do you think is the most interesting aspect of @OilandGasIQ?
We use Twitter to communicate with our members and the wider community. We use it to showcase our latest content and events.  We also use Twitter to see what professionals are thinking about the latest issues – we want to find out where they think the industry is headed.  Being updated in real-time is why Twitter has become a go-to spot for news.
What is the most popular article you have posted?
One of our most recent popular articles is a future on the 10 biggest oil spills in history. As we approach the 3rd anniversary of the Gulf of Mexico spill we are reminded of the importance of safety and asset / risk management.
Where can we go to learn more about Oil and Gas IQ?
Visit our website to learn more.  We are also on Facebook, LinkedIn and obviously, Twitter.