It’s hard to believe that the dog days of summer are over.  The cool crisp air of fall is sweeping through the hills of Pennsylvania and I, Kelly Grago am officially stepping in as Cabot’s new Fall External Affairs Intern!

I am proud to say that I am a recent college graduate from Robert Morris University where I obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. During my years at RMU, I worked hard to maintain good grades while working full time just to get through school.I led a campaign for Colonials Against Drunk Driving that was presented at an undergraduate research conference and I also presented on Social Learning theory in Second Life at the Laurel Highlands Communication Conference. Needless to say, RMU helped me learn all the necessary skills to thrive in the workplace, and I’m excited to put those skills to work here at Cabot.

Last year, I worked as a communications intern with the Pittsburgh Airport Area Chamber of Commerce , where I became a social media monster (a good monster, of course)! During my time there, I was able to flex my PR skills, while writing numerous Press Releases and scheduling a plethora of different web content.

What do I do when I’m not working you ask? Well, I’m a lover of all things outdoors, so you can typically find me outside camping, hiking, bike riding, swimming, etc. I also recently learned how to do archery as well as target shooting; I might not be that good, but none the less I gave it a solid try! I love to read and write, and I am a strong believer that life without music, is no life at all. I love to travel, but who doesn’t ?  And I probably saw every movie that came out in the last 2-3 years, so if you’d like a review just ask! Last but definitely not least, if there is anything to take away from this introduction, just know that above all else I love food.

As I teeter on the edge of a 14 week internship, I brace myself for the workload that lies ahead. I can’t help but feel anxious, excited, and nervous all at the same time. I can’t wait to learn more about this ever growing industry, to which I get to be a part of.