The Associated Press recently highlighted efforts of a newly formed group in northeastern Pennsylvania seeking to work with the natural gas industry regarding regional air quality and health.  Per AP, Breathe Easy Susquehanna County will promote respectful dialogue with the industry while working towards “technology to voluntarily reduce air pollution to levels below existing regulations.”
As a leading producer of Marcellus Shale natural gas, Cabot recognizes the importance of such community-based dialogue, especially when talking about the environment and community health of Susquehanna County. In the spirit of open-discussion, let’s discuss some of the many initiatives Cabot started and, quite frankly, pioneered over the last four years to promote community dialogue and to protect regional air quality and health throughout Susquehanna County.
Annual Community Picnic – Four years ago Cabot hosted its first community picnic to educate Susquehanna County about drilling, hydraulic fracturing, and the future of natural gas development in the area; everyone in the county was invited and this picnic saw 2,500 patrons. For many, this picnic was the first time they could ask questions about drilling or hydraulic fracturing and have experts answer them. Over the years this picnic has grown in size and scope.  We have highlighted how we utilize emerging technology.  We have hosted over 20,000 people from across the northern tier of Pennsylvania and the southern tier of New York.
Close-loop Drilling and Completion Operations– Three years ago Cabot decided to move away from open pits in its drilling and completion operations; instead, opting to implement close-loop systems  where any fluid, fresh or produce by the well, or drill cutting -the rock shavings that return to surface when a well is drilled- is stored in steel containers at all times. Cabot’s commitment to closed-loop systems coupled with multiple layers of containment, strict erosion and sedimentation controls and constant monitoring throughout the development process have limited the disturbance of localized environments on and around development locations, ensuring natural gas development and the environment can coexist together.
100% Fluids Recycle & Reuse– Two years ago Cabot reached a pioneering milestone: 100% recycle and reuse status in the Marcellus Shale. At this threshold, Cabot no longer needs to dispose of its produced or flowback fluid; instead, all of the fluid is brought to a centralized treatment facility called Comtech, where it is processed to be reused in future completion operations. This initiative has helped reduce Cabot’s fresh water consumption significantly. To date, Comtech has recycled over 127 million gallons of water while saving approximately 30,000 truck trips to fresh water withdrawals around the county.
For more information on Cabot or its operations in Susquehanna County, please visit