A great thanks to the over 8,500 picnic goers that braved the 90+ degree heat on Saturday to come out to the Harford County Fair Grounds to learn about and support the natural gas and oil industry!
The gates, which were scheduled to open at noon, opened a half an hour early to accommodate our eager guests. This year marked our 4th picnic, and it was bursting at the seams with over 70 community and industry vendors.
One of this year’s new and best features was the grills that were cooking food using natural gas! This year, a tube truck filled with compressed natural gas (CNG), fueled many of the grills used to feed the masses on Saturday.
An enormous thanks to everyone who helped to put our largest picnic together, a list companies, volunteers, organizations and employees which is incredibly too long for anyone to read, thank you for making this year’s picnic the most successful we have ever had.
Stay on the lookout for more information, photos and videos from the picnic that will be posted in the upcoming days, and week!