As you know Veterans Day is November, 11th and we here at Cabot can’t stress enough, the importance of remembering the sacrifice and service of our Veterans on a daily basis. We are beyond pleased to see our ongoing efforts pan out as it directly impacts the Men and Women who serve in our Military.
You may think that necessary supplies such as toilet paper, Aspirin, or even chap stick are provided to our soldiers serving our country overseas; but think again, because the basic supplies that we often take for granted, are in short supply for our soldiers.
That’s why Davina Dunlap and Candy Garrison from GasSearch Drilling Services Corporation took the initiative to lend a helping hand to those men and women who put their lives on the line for our country every day. We here at Cabot were very proud to partner with these ladies in their efforts to provide for our troops.
Over the last several weeks, donations and supplies were being collected at our Montrose office in order to create some much deserved care packages for our soldiers. 230 boxes were filled with supplies such as snacks, toiletries, socks, pillows, batteries, puzzles, and more! Not to mention, an XBOX 360 was also donated, and it’s being sent to a whole platoon for them to share!
Over all, “Operation Defend Our Freedom” was a huge success. The total amount raised was an impressive $7,000, and it couldn’t have been done without the help of some amazing volunteers.
A special thanks to all of those who donated, none of this would have been possible without your help!