The holidays are a much-anticipated time of the year for Cabot, GDS and our industry partners. Employees have taken an active role in collecting and distributing food to those in need in the areas where we operate. And we’ve found people are more than willing to spend time shopping for holiday gifts because they know how much the presents are needed and appreciated. 

Everyone recognizes this year is different due to the pandemic. However, that doesn’t mean our giving initiatives have come to a halt. We’ve shifted gears to create giving opportunities for the season that are more virtual so we can continue to help those in need safely. From one corner of Pennsylvania to the other, we’ve found some creative ways to provide hope and help and still feel personally involved. 

Cabot and GDS Virtual Toy Drive 

In Susquehanna and Wyoming counties, Cabot partners with Interfaith Friends and the Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains for a holiday drive that gets bigger every year. We sure are going to miss our annual shopping trip to Walmart, sorting and tagging the gifts at our Montrose office, and dressing up like Santa and his Elves to deliver all the toys and clothing to Interfaith. But, rest assured, both Interfaith and the Community Foundation have figured out how to work with Mr. Claus to ensure that the families in need in the area get some of the things that want and need. 

You can donate securely online by visiting the Community Foundation’s Donate Now page and select the “Holiday Helpers” tab from the drop-down menu. You can also send a check payable to Susquehanna County or Wyoming County Interfaith Friends and mail it to Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation, attn: Bonnie Morris, at 8207 SR 29, Montrose, PA 18801.

Annual Giving - Toy Drive
Some of our favorite memories from past Toy Drive events!

NTIEC Virtual Giving Tuesday 

Our friends at the Northern Tier Industry & Education Consortium (NTIEC) will conduct an extended virtual version of Giving Tuesday. The global initiative is traditionally conducted on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. NTIEC is working with AllOne Charities this year to raise funds for non-profit organizations in northeast Pennsylvania from Thanksgiving Day through Wednesday, Dec. 2. 

NTIEC works closely with those of us in the energy industry to align students with trades-based education, and we want to help them with their fundraising efforts. If they reach their goal of $1,000 in donations, AllOne Charities will provide a $1,000 match. Additionally, Cabot will chip in another $1,000 through the Energy Education Fund. You can donate directly through their website by clicking here

Children’s Hospital Gift Registry

It’s hard to imagine being a child in a hospital at Christmastime, but last year, there were more than 2,000 kids at The Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh during the holidays. They have made it easy for us this year to select and purchase a present online through a Holiday Gift Registry coordinated by Amazon. In addition to toys for children, teens and young adults, you can buy colorful blankets and sleepwear or share your sports enthusiasm with the purchase of Pittsburgh Steelers or Pirates gear. Click here to visit the registry 

Toy Drive Christmas Tree

If you want to get your friends and family involved, the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation has developed a Virtual Holiday Toy Drive that puts you in charge of your own fundraiser. By clicking here, you can donate directly through or find instructions to easily create your own page. Seneca Valley High School student Jenna Brown started a page for her senior project and had already raised $125 in three days. 

We wish the best to you and yours during this unusual holiday and encourage you to remember those less fortunate with a thoughtful gift or donation.