Now more than ever supporting educational programming and schools in our areas of operations is a top priority. Whether partnering with programs like Junior Achievement, The Challenge Program, Inc. or Environthons it is important that students of all ages are aware of the many opportunities they have in front of them.
Besides oil and gas operations, Pennsylvania is home to a robust energy industry including coal, nuclear, wind, solar and geothermal. With the graying of the workforce, 50% of the folks currently employed in energy are expected to retire in the next 5 to 7 years which will leave a huge opening for new employees.
There will be a huge demand for students with high school degrees, certifications from career & technology centers, and advanced degrees all the way up to the Doctoral level.
So much of our future is dependent on the education of students in school right now. That’s why Cabot is investing $1 million this year alone in educational programs and scholarships to assist students as they reach towards their dream jobs.