For your Thursday Flame fix why not try a quiz from 1958? In the September 1958 issue of Cabot’s newsletter, The Flame, there was a quiz for employees. The quiz asked employees to rate themselves on various different workplace habits to determine what kind of employee they are.
Long before the years of Cosmo quizzes it seems The Flame was already appealing to the human desire for self-improvement. Many of the criteria they included in 1958 are still very relevant today. If you’re honest with yourself this antique quiz could prove to be very helpful to you.
The full spread of the quiz included animations that go along with the different scores and questions. Many of The Flame pieces included animations that were produced in house by the staff in Boston. Before the age of graphic designers and computer programs it was not uncommon for publication staffs to have multiple artists on staff.  We included the images from this particular article in a gallery bellow. animations 2