We’re pleased to announce that the 2014 Fall Classic Tourney to benefit the Lackawanna College School of Petroleum & Natural Gas is officially sold out! There’s about a month left until the tournament, but we’ve already had to shut down registration due to the overwhelming demand. No worries though. We are already putting plans in motion to ensure we can expand the size of the tournament next year so that even more participants can come next year.

This event is our largest fundraiser for the School of PNG and will have more than 250 tournament participants and even more are expected to show up.
It’s strange to look back and realize that sporting clay tournaments were a brand new concept to us just a few years ago. They’ve grown into a neat way to raise awareness and funding for some of our nonprofit partners around the area like last year’s tournament, which raised $50,000 for St. Joseph’s Center in Scranton; we’re hoping to break that record this year.

Once again the tournament will be held at Hausmann’s Hidden Hollow Sporting Clays in Friendsville. The facilities from last year have been expanded and upgraded to provide an even more enjoyable experience.
The most noticeable difference will be a newly installed sporting clay course, bringing the total to 3 – 10 station courses. This new course, built along an old logging trail with the help of our partners at GDS, will challenge each shooter with a combination of wooded areas, open spaces and a small scenic pond. The other two courses will be set up similar to last year’s tournament but we can assure you it will not be the same. The trap positions at each station have been relocated and our Friends over at Hidden Hollow have added a few new tricks on each course.
The crowd favorite Crazy Quail is back and ready to test your teamwork skills. But we are excited to announce a new piece of equipment will also be set up and part of the tournament, called the Huntsman; this device will bombard you and your team with over 100 hundred orange targets. The target pattern maybe is different but the goal remains the same: hit as many targets as you can.

7:00 a.m.      Registration and breakfast and side games will open (Including the flurry)
8:15 a.m.      Opening remarks
8:30 a.m.      Tournament will begin (Shotgun start)
11:30 a.m.    Lunch will be available
2:30 p.m.      Tournament officially comes to an end & Raffle Prizes will be drawn
3:00 p.m.      Tournament winners announced, closing remarks
3:00 p.m.      “Till the Ammo Runs Out” after tournament shooting opportunities

The tournaments wouldn’t work AT ALL without the generous support of our sponsors and the hard work of our employees to make sure each event is successful – thanks to you all!
And a special thank you to our top sponsors this year:

If you didn’t register in time but would like to attend, all we ask is that you purchase the Non-Participant ticket on our Eventbrite page or at the registration table the day of the tournament. Everyone will still be able to enjoy breakfast and/or lunch, the opportunity to browse our vendors, engage with the Lackawanna College School of Petroleum & Natural Gas faculty staff and students.
You DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT to participate in the raffle – we have some GREAT prizes this year generously donated by a number of our industry partners. Raffle tickets will be $20 apiece and can be purchased during the tournament on Oct 3 or by contacting Bonnie Morris at 570-278-8625. More info to come on the raffle prizes.
We will be posting more information about the shoot for the next month with a special focus on the vendors who will be present, the raffle prizes and all of the great equipment that is being added to the School of PNG so stay tuned!