API Sees Opportunity in New Legislators to Reshape Energy Policies

Mike Sommers, president and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute (API), recently presented the agency’s annual report on the State of Energy in America. In addition to an overview of where we stand with production, Mike offered strong suggestions as to what needs to be done to take advantage of…

Natural Gas and Solar Provide Smart Energy Grid for Airport

With more than a year of construction under its belt, the Pittsburgh International Airport is well on the way to a bright future with its Terminal Modernization Program. The project started in October 2021 and multiple phases have been completed since then including important prep work, site excavation, electrical installations,…


Coterra Continues its Support for Fill A Glass with Hope

Coterra recently presented a $25,000 check to Feeding Pennsylvania and CEO Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank during the 107th Pennsylvania Farm Show opening ceremony. The funding supports Fill a Glass with Hope®, a unique partnership formed among the Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association, the American Dairy Association North East, and member food…


Coterra’s Approach and Commitment to Sustainability

As the energy industry evolves and moves into the future, the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices among oil and natural gas companies is growing. We recently published our 2022 Sustainability Report, outlining Coterra’s climate, environmental, health, and safety initiatives, community relations, business ethics and transparency, and human…