The folks in the natural gas industry, and specifically at Cabot, are not prone to sitting back and smelling the roses.  We understand that our hard work and dedication is evident in all that we do developing the natural resources under our feet and working closely with our communities. But, at times our efforts are recognized by organizations far outside of our industry.
National Philanthropy Day
Last week, Cabot was called out for its dedication and commitment to being an Outstanding Company.  A little background, every November, the American Fundraising Professionals (AFP) take time to honor and recognize Individuals and Companies, Neighbors and Charities for making a difference through philanthropy. These organizations and individuals are recognized each year on (or around) National Philanthropy Day – November 15th. This tradition started more than a decade ago and companies like Giant Eagle and individuals like Bill Gates have been recognized. This year Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation was honored as the Outstanding Company by the Northeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of AFP for all its outreach and positive impact made in the community.
Cabot was nominated by Lackawanna College for our work with the School of Petroleum & Natural Gas, but they also highlighted our work with organizations including smaller charities, local nonprofits, and our efforts with Endless Mountains Health Systems. Please watch the video they produced to thank us for our hard work.
While we are always striving to increase efficiencies and make our operations more effective, it is important to understand how much our efforts have helped to improve not just the environment, but the character of the community.
As I accepted the award on behave of Cabot, I knew I was there as a representative of a much larger, broader Cabot Community, I was there representing you.
Thanks for all you do to make the community a better place and congrats for making us an Outstanding Company.