Picture it – the United States without our prolific reserves of natural resources and access to abundant, affordable energy sources. How different would your daily life be?

Energy Consumption

Modern life without oil or natural gas would be drastically different than the world we know today. Oil and natural gas are at the core of our energy consumption and are used as feedstock for countless products that we use every day. A world without these resources would require significant changes to our lifestyle and could result in a higher cost of living.

Recently, Energy Transfer highlighted exactly what it might be like to live a life without the modern conveniences afforded to us because of oil and natural gas. They pose the questions – what would it be like to deliver a baby in a hospital or go on a date without being able to use petroleum-based products? Check it out now:

Household Items products that rely on oil and natural gas as feedstock would no longer be able to be created or mass-produced, which includes chemicals, plastics, and fertilizers, among others. These resources are necessary for the production of everyday household items such as cleaning products, clothing, and food to be protected. Materials like asphalt and tar would also be affected, drastically declining infrastructure development or maintenance.

Energy Costs

Energy costs would be significantly higher without using oil or natural gas. These resources provide the majority of our energy sources and are critical in maintaining the world’s energy grid. Alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power would need to be implemented to replace oil and natural gas. However, the investment and implementation of these technologies would result in a higher cost of living and could take years to implement on a global scale.

In conclusion, a world without oil or natural gas would be vastly different than the one we currently live in today. The lack of these resources would cause a ripple effect across numerous industries. Not only would prices of everyday products and services rise, but we would also notice a significant difference in the modern conveniences we enjoy each day.