Energy Rally Boosts Spirits as We Continue Our Economic Recovery

Early in August, we had the honor of hosting a visit to northeast Pennsylvania by Mike Sommers, president and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute (API). As we guided him to many sites and gas-related events, Mike shared his vision for the future of the petroleum and natural gas industries….


The Marcellus Attracts a Permanent Resident Via Cactus Wellhead

Texan native David Ferguson has been in Northeast Pennsylvania since the early days of the Marcellus Shale exploration and drilling. Not only has he successfully moved from the company that brought him here to Cactus Wellhead, he found the love of his life here, got married and has two sons….


Camp Freedom Opening Doors and Healing Souls for Veterans and First Responders

Camp Freedom in Lackawanna County is relatively new as a recreational retreat for military veterans, first responders and Gold Star families. Its rapid growth has caught our attention. At the hands of its dedicated staff, the camp has directly impacted thousands of guests since it opened in 2018. The need…

Partnering with the Community Foundation for education

That’s why we partner with The Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains to ensure that funding is available to help students overcome financial obstacles as they pursue an education. One of the biggest ways we are able to give back is through the Cabot Oil & Gas Scholarship created for students at…