America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) is an organization that represents some of America’s largest exploration and production companies – including Cabot. You may have seen a television commercial or two featuring their Think About It campaign.

The idea behind the campaign is to make individuals from all walks of life stop and really consider where the energy – electricity, heat – they use every day comes from.
From the Think About It website:

Every day, Americans commute to work, charge their phones and do a number of things that require reliable energy. But how often do we take a moment to stop and consider where our energy comes from?
One source of abundant, American energy is natural gas. It’s used to generate power, fuel our transportation needs, and serve as a critical building block in American manufacturing. Through each of these uses, natural gas is reducing emissions, lowering the cost of energy and creating jobs.

It’s easy to make the connection with Keith and his farm – he has natural gas wells on his property that have allowed him to upgrade his equipment and continue making a living.
But natural gas, particularly the Marcellus, is impacting more than just the farmers who have wells on their land. From cheaper electricity bills for homeowners to cheaper, cleaning burning fuel for vehicles, natural gas is providing opportunities for nearly every American.
Think about it – and learn more by visiting