
Coterra Team Develops New Method for Predicting Natural Gas and Oil Reserves

We’re proud of the brilliant team that makes up Coterra Energy because everyone brings a passion for innovation and hard work. It’s this innovative spirit that allows us to maintain our position as one of the country’s premier exploration and production companies. Today, we’re highlighting an effort born at Coterra…

Utilizing Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Our Land Department

We recently had the opportunity to speak with Eric Seagle, a member of our Land Department. Eric is based out of our Tulsa, Oklahoma office and is the Land Systems and Process Lead. When we reached out to Eric, he was thrilled to talk to us about the digital transformation…

Infrared Thermography Training Comes to Susquehanna

Technology and innovation are what drive our operations. We strive to stay ahead of the industry and invest in training that keeps our employees’ skills sharp and our operations environmentally sound. Recently, this was the case when we brought the Infrared Training Center (ITC) to our Susquehanna County, PA office….

The Future of Natural Gas and Oil

The demand for natural gas and oil is still rising in a post-pandemic world. Because of this, we are constantly reassessing our approach to meet the market’s needs. That includes reevaluating our processes from site preparation, drilling, and production to transportation and environmental responsibility. Every aspect of our combined operations…