As a follow up to the CNG Celebration held earlier this year, Johnson College hosted an event at their automotive center to discuss how CNG use in private and personal vehicles is helping to shape future curriculum at the school – and ultimately beginning a change in Northeast Pennsylvania.
In a continuation of a successful program, the PA DEP announced at the event the continuation of a vehicle conversion program that is offering $3 million in grants to fund the conversion to alternative fuel vehicles. Most of the projects awarded funding are for natural gas vehicles. ActingDEP Secretary Chris Abruzzo explained in a statement: This funding makes it possible for many commercial, county and non-profit groups to convert their lighter-weight vehicles to natural gas or other alternative fuels.

We have highlighted Kenworth before when we discussed how they are supplying natural-gas vehicles to their customers that run on either CNG or LNG. The opportunities to expand their line of natural gas vehicles continue as the price of natural gas remains low and the PA DEP provides incentives to businesses to convert or buy NGVs. At the event, it was echoed that as these vehicles are being deployed across the country, a need for trained professionals to maintain them is great and continues to increase to meet demand.